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We Will Growing, so do with The Farmers

Start with


PT. Multidaya Agro Perkasa helps to educate our partners, farmers, and their society. Knowledge is an expanding value throughout the human civilization, thus, all of our business value will be spreading through education of nature and environment. Farmers’ knowledge of modern agriculture is still very limited and stagnant in habits that have been practiced for decades. In this present, we try to re-find the value and legacy from the past to the future.

Data science on

Agriculture culture, needs, climate and supply chain.

Guide the farmer with their ‘language’
Transform science into an easy to use and pragmatic understanding.
Collect data as much as it can be as a weapon toward decision.
Multi-dimensional and multi-spectral data collection to determine data-oriented decisions
To identify and solving the real problems

Our Staff will communicate with farmers To distinguish which one is important for the farmers, and others that not really their needs.

Management of farmer and agricultural needs, cutting several layers.

Mid-AP implementing Science-based Farming Activities
in Our Farmers

Tele-communications and Science-based Consulting to transform the farmers’ mindset and culture with science and technology

PT. Multidaya Agro Perkasa will assist the partner, farmers, and their society to reach AGRICULTURE EFFICIENCY IN 3 WAYS

Reduce Expenses

Reduce Farmer’s Operational Expenses


STEM in Production Factors


Climate-conscious production process

Supply chain

Supply chain will fulfilled with chain of custody for the products

Farmers has a duty to accomplished every steps composed by SBI. That duty will make a responsibility as a chain of custody both for the straw and rice, also carbon requirements. Our factory and products we have made are very dependent on raw materials supply, thus PT. Multidaya Agro Perkasa guarantee the supply chain in every materials we are needed, from:

1. The paddy seed that are planted
2. the paddy field to grow the paddy.
3. The qualified straw to make a pulp for you.
4. The eco-friendly chemical we used.

We make sure the quality of our chain of supply. We do guarantee the raw materials. Management of the flow of products /services and includes all processes into final products with Supply informations

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