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A Sustainable Solution

to create a better
Scroll the journey
Do you know that,

Our ancestors did their best in preserving and advancing the planet. We are on the progress to maintain and support the process continuously over time.

The increase in carbon increment, mainly human-produced greenhouse gases, make the planet goes warm with many other multidimensional problems; thus PT. Multidaya Agro Perkasa encouraged to supreme agricultural innovation as a very dedicated goals in tackling the carbon-related problems.

PT. Multidaya Agro Perkasa trying to make all our innovations to reduce carbon emission in our lines of business. The result of our advanced research and development are working towards to expanding the value chain of natural-based materials to provide Valuable Products (goods and/or services). Research conducted fundamentally has transformed the way we build, develop, and extend the research to the highest level of innovation.

Global trends are seemly starting to transform towards a
“Green Economy” and “Blue Economy” as the foundations.

All the actions has it’s reasons, and we are inspired to take part in

Creating a better and sustainable living environment for the community and future generation.

We are committed to support small actions through Research & Development, Innovation and Creative Solution that based on the ESG (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) principles in the company.

We are starting our first step on a long journey in creating a sustainable environment as a legacy for our future generations.

Our Vision & Mission

We aim to create a better and sustainable living environment for generations.

Our Mission

By applying sciences and technologies, 

We are expanding the value chain of natural-based materials and converting into valuable products

Our Motto

Creating Sustainable Solution

Our Center of Excellences


Legacy In The Making


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